Obstetrics & Gynaecology

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The Department was established in 2013 with the goal of providing a one-stop solution for women's health issues. Our service offerings have been broadened to encompass contemporary diagnostic and treatment modalities. In Obstetrics and Gynaecology, we offer state-of-the-art facilities for office ultrasonography, USG-guided operations, and Color Doppler examinations. Laparoscopic surgery has been expanded to include challenging patients such as very big leiomyomas and radical laparoscopy with pelvic lymph node dissection. Hysteroscopic surgery has expanded to encompass all sorts of therapeutic surgery. Some of our patients who underwent hysteroscopic septal resection gave birth to healthy babies right here in our hospital.

The Department's faculty strength has expanded to eight, bringing new perspectives and skills to the table. The OPD Procedure Room now includes diagnostic hysteroscopy in addition to colposcopy. The centre is now a government-recognized MTP Centre, with postgraduate trainees from other institutions receiving training in MTP and Family Planning methods. We also train doctors from other institutions in colposcopy. The labour room has been upgraded to include a state-of-the-art ventouse machine for patient care and postgraduate training in instrumental vaginal birth.

The Department is creating a buzz among the town's professional bodies, by faculty members being invited to participate as guest speakers in Scientific Programs on a regular basis. Most of the faculty members are members of state and national professional organisations.

A labour room was established for Covid positive women and catered to parturients who were Covid positive with problems. These women delivered a considerable number of infants vaginally and via Cesarean Section. Faculty, Senior, and Junior Residents assisted in the care of Covid pregnant and non-pregnant women and men, as well, on the Covid and mucor wards.

7 consultation rooms
NST machine
USG machine
Procedure room for outpatient procedures under day care admission- colposcopy, hysteroscopy, endometrial aspiration, cervical biopsy, LEEP, etc.
IPD: 60 beds in general ward
Obstetrics ward consisting of 30 beds
Gynaecology ward consisting of 30 beds
Labour ward consisting of 12 beds
Recovery room consisting of 4 beds
In total, we have 4 OTs
Two OTs dedicated to Obstetrics and Emergency surgeries
Two OTs for routine Gynaecologic surgeries with Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy carts

Clinical: The department caters to Outpatient, Inpatient, Emergency situations in the Labour Room, and surgical procedures.

Community Outreach Programmes: On a regular basis, the faculty examines patients in outdoor health camps.

Teaching and Training: The department provides post-graduate training in Family Planning and the care of covid-positive labouring women along with that undergraduate teaching is done both via theory and clinical ward teaching.

A. MBBS Teaching
B. Postgraduate MD Course: 6 PG Seats / Every year

The purpose of the department is to provide quality Obstetrics & Gynaecology services to all patients and impart the best teaching and training services to all residents. Our purpose is also to support the scientific community in form of quality research work, publications, and presentations. Postgraduate students enrol themselves for the postgraduate course (MD) which is of three years duration and includes a thesis. The department currently admits 6 students per year, selection for which is made twice a year i.e. in January and July. The selection is based on an INI CET Examination. The Department has fixed curriculum planning for the junior residents. Thesis writing is mandatory for partial fulfilment for the final MD examination. Our teaching program consists of seminars, journal clubs, case discussions, debates and Guest lectures. All Residents take part in the didactic teaching activities regularly under the faculty moderation which is encouraged to be as interactive as possible. This is in addition to the daily operating room, Labour ward, OPD, IPD and emergency unit clinical teaching activities. Papers presented by the department has even won national awards.

FOGSI Mrs Indumati Jhaveri Prize 2023 - Dr Simran, Junior Resident

FOGSI Dr Amarendra Nath Dan Prize 2023- Dr Mukta Agarwal, Additional Professor

FOGSI Dr C S Dawn Prize 2023- Dr Anita Paswan, Associate Professor

SL No.Name of FacultyDesignation

Special Clinic
MondayGeneralDr. Mukta Agarwal
Dr. Indira Prasad
Dr. Sudwita Sinha
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM257
Special Clinic
TuesdayGeneralDr. Monika Anant
Dr. Anita Paswan
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM257
Special Clinic
WednesdayGeneralDr. Sangam Kumari
Dr. Pammy Pravina
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM257
Special Clinic
ThursdayGeneralDr. Mukta Agarwal
Dr. Indira Prasad
Dr. Sudwita Sinha
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM257
Special Clinic
FridayGeneralDr. Monika Anant
Dr. Anita Paswan
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM257
Special Clinic
SaturdayGeneralDr. Sangam Kumari
Dr. Pammy Pravina
09:00 AM - 02:00 PM257
Special Clinic



Departmental CME on Cancer Cervix
Farewell of PG Batch January 2020
Faculties of the Department receiving Calendar from Executive Director; with Dean and Medical Superintendent
Farewell of PG Batch January 2020
Departmental CME on Prenatal Genetic testing
IAGE-Bihar Live surgery Workshop conducted by the Department
Faculties of the Department taking pledge
Farewell of PG Batch July 2019
IAGE workshop in NMCH conducted by Obs Gynae Dept, AIIMS, Patna
IAGE workshop in NMCH conducted by Obs Gynae Dept, AIIMS, Patna
IAGE- EAGLE project organized by the department